Spending Smartly
Owning and operating a high-quality veterinary practice requires continuous reinvestment. “The physical building, the..
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At first I started with my local bank. After all, I’ve done business with them for a number of years. After 6 weeks of getting the run around and nearly dropping my project all together, I found Veterinaryloans.com. In less than 72 hours I had not one but three proposals from 3 different veterinary lenders that really know the industry and cared about my project. Thanks Veterinaryloans.com!
Dr. A. Smith, CaliforniaIt’s refreshing to see such a useful service being offered to borrowers and lenders alike. Veterinaryloans.com should be commended for their efforts!
B. Davidson, ProCapital, TexasI was very busy and swamped at work. I just couldn’t seem to find the time to search for, and follow up with as many lenders as I thought I needed to. In the end I settled for a loan that I don’t really think is very good. I sure wish Veterinaryloans.com would have been available. One website, simple, secure, easy. Duh! I am going to use their refinance service now.
Dr. B. Manchester, FloridaI already have a veterinary loan for my practice, so I’m probably the odd ball here. I just wanted to get a commercial loan to expand my facility. Guess what? They can do that too.
Dr. T. Thomes, IllinoisThanks Veterinaryloans, you really helped me out a lot. You even called me back when I left messages, answered my emails and although it wasn’t your fault, offered to assist with our mixed up real estate closing. You guys rock!
Mrs. T. Rolston, VirginiaCall me stupid or simple but gee, it seems too easy. I log in, put in a few things about my loan needs and Presto! loan offers come rolling in.
J. Belknap, WashingtonIt’s easy, simple and secure. What more do you want to know?
Dr. Bennett, Colorado